Goal Planning, Introversion, Pregnancy and Motherhood

An Introverted Mom Reflects on Summer

Well folks, we’ve survived.

As I walked Abby into her new 4-year-old Pre-K class this morning, she promptly dropped her backpack and made a beeline for the Barbie table without looking back.

Summer break is over and every member of this family is thrilled!


Back in May I wrote a post about how I was preparing myself for summer (if you missed it, you can find it here.)  So today I thought I’d follow up and let you know what worked, what didn’t, which grand plans I ultimately abandoned, and what unexpected things I actually loved about summer.

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How I Fight My Battles

It’s been a weird week.  Some combination of pregnancy hormones, stress about Dave’s job search and our uncertain future, anxiety over going back to work myself with a baby on the way, and the regular ready-to-be-done with summer emotions I get this time every year, all struck this week and I’ve been a bit of a wreck.

In the past, I’ve given into the emotions.  In fact, that was my standard MO for years.  Only recently…really, since marrying Dave seven years ago and getting his feedback on what I assumed were unchangeable patterns in myself…(marriage is sanctifying y’all…) have I begun to learn how to stand up to the feelings which overtake me from time to time.

Continue reading “How I Fight My Battles”


Where I Am Right Now

Happy August y’all!  I’m back from a brief, impromptu blogging hiatus and thought I’d borrow a topic from…(you know what’s coming next, right?)…a podcast!

This week I heard a recent episode of Laura Tremaine’s 10 Things to Tell You podcast, an interactive show where Laura presents a topic for listeners to consider and discuss, whether in our journals, with our communities on social media, or in real-life conversations with friends.  The episode was called Where Are You? and in it Laura challenged listeners to think about where we are, not in physical space (I mean, I’m currently at a folding-table-turned-desk in my master bedroom, but that’s not exactly riveting content…) but where we are in our minds, on the timeline of our lives, and in relation to the people in our lives.

The timeline question struck me most, as Laura asked us to think about where we are experiencing the Ending of something, where we are walking into new Beginnings, and where we are still in the Middle.  For me, it’s an incredibly timely question.

So today, I’m going to share a bit about where I am, how I’m applying our family motto to Be Where You Are, and how that’s sometimes easier said than done.

Continue reading “Where I Am Right Now”

Encouragement, Introversion, Pregnancy and Motherhood, Stewardship Series

Alone Time Isn’t Everything

I penciled the dates into my planner with great anticipation: “Abby to Oklahoma” and “Abby to New York.”

Two full weeks, one in June and one in July.

Time with the grandparents for her, and scheduled breaks for me.

An oasis for this introverted mom amidst the constant togetherness of summer.

The Holy Grail of my recent life.

Alone time.

Continue reading “Alone Time Isn’t Everything”


Decisions, Decisions – Summer 2019

Welcome to the second installment of the Decisions, Decisions feature!

As the self-identified Indecisive Mama, obviously choices aren’t my forte.  But occasionally I make some really good ones, and when that happens, I like to brag about document them here.

I’m blogging this week from a standing desk in the lobby of a Hilton hotel, where I’m attending an interpreting conference. My brain is tired from workshops today, and my feet and back aren’t going to put up with this for too long.

So without further ado, some good decisions I’ve made so far this summer!

Continue reading “Decisions, Decisions – Summer 2019”


Wisdom from Dads for Father’s Day

It’s Father’s Day weekend, and maybe, like me, you’ve been scrambling a little to find the right gift or the right words to honor the most important Dad in your life. (Anyone else’s husband like mine: next to impossible to surprise and even harder to buy gifts for??)

Thinking about the best way I can honor the amazing father of my own children, I thought about what means the most to me, on Mother’s Day or my birthday.  And hands down, the best gifts I ever receive are the ones which show me my husband (or my family, or a friend) listened to something I said and acted on it.

So today, I want to share some insights from dads. Things I, as a mom, didn’t realize dads needed, until I asked.  You might not find the perfect gift to wrap in a bow and place beside his breakfast on Sunday morning, but maybe you’ll take away something you can do to show that special man in your life how much you appreciate all that he does for you and your kids.

Continue reading “Wisdom from Dads for Father’s Day”


What I Learned This Spring

I’m always baffled by the fact that summer doesn’t technically begin until late June, when the summer solstice occurs.

I mean, 1) School is out, and also 2) it hit the upper 90’s (F) here this week.

So, even though I am aware the calendar doesn’t doesn’t support my conclusion, spring has come and gone in my book.

Emily P. Freeman agrees with me.  This week I’m joining her seasonal practice of looking back on what I’ve learned this spring (ie. March – May.)

Continue reading “What I Learned This Spring”


Reflecting on Three Years of Uncertainty

This week, Facebook Memories informed me that we’ve officially reached the third anniversary of our move to North Carolina.

Three years ago Thursday we saw our house for the first time.  We took a trip to Wal-Mart for curtains (our master windows face the street…curtains were a crucial first purchase) and slept on the floor while we awaited our household goods shipment.

In about a month or so, we will come up on another three-year anniversary.  The anniversary of the day our entire path began to shift in ways we never saw coming.

Continue reading “Reflecting on Three Years of Uncertainty”


When Life Seems Crazy, Stick to the Basics

I’ve been in a fog, or a funk, or some other kind of situation where I can’t seem to get myself together enough to actually function.

On second thought, maybe that’s just called the first trimester of pregnancy.

In any case, I haven’t been feeling very motivated, creative, or productive. (Though, technically, at the moment I’m both of the latter things, despite not being the former. So take THAT, negative inner-critic.)

When life is like this, it feels interminable.  Like slogging through mud or sitting in Honolulu traffic. (Side note: everyone dreams about going to Hawaii…as someone who lived there for three years let me tell you, it’s one of the most gorgeous places on Earth.  Also, the traffic is the literal worst.)

My only advice for these seasons is to just get through it.  And I do that by sticking to the basics and letting the other things go.

Continue reading “When Life Seems Crazy, Stick to the Basics”