Stewardship Series, Uncategorized

Stewarding My Physical Health: The Why, Part 2

Welcome to the Stewardship Series.  In 2019 my focus is on intentionally stewarding the gifts and talents God has entrusted to me.  This series will highlight the nine areas of stewardship I identified in my 2019 goals: my physical and spiritual health, my marriage and motherhood, my relationships with friends and family, my home, my time online, and my voice.  I pray this series encourages you, as we grow together as stewards. 

steward: (n.) a person whose responsibility it is to take care of something (ie. another’s property.) 

Welcome to Part 2 of Stewarding My Physical Health: The Why!  In Part 1 I talked about the practical reasons I’m starting this year of stewardship by focusing on my physical health.  But while feeling better, looking better, and avoiding future health issues are all on my list, those aren’t the biggest reasons.

God has been dealing with me for probably the last 7 years.  He’s been trying to tell me that my spiritual health and my physical health are intrinsically tied together.

Continue reading “Stewarding My Physical Health: The Why, Part 2”

Stewardship Series, Uncategorized

Stewarding My Physical Health: The Why

Welcome to the Stewardship Series.  In 2019 my focus is on intentionally stewarding the gifts and talents God has entrusted to me.  This series will highlight the nine areas of stewardship I identified in my 2019 goals: my physical and spiritual health, my marriage and motherhood, my relationships with friends and family, my home, my time online, and my voice.  I pray this series encourages you, as we grow together as stewards. 

steward: (n.) a person whose responsibility it is to take care of something (ie. another’s property.) 

Warning: incredibly vulnerable post ahead.  I’m kicking off this series by telling you about my journey with my weight, and why stewarding my physical health is an area of focus for me this year.

I want to be clear…this is all about ME and does not speak to anyone else’s journey, struggles, or issues with weight, weight loss, diet culture, eating disorders, etc.  I know everyone fights their own fight in this area, and my struggles pale in comparison to many. I know you could look at this post, roll your eyes and say “that girl has no clue!” I hope you won’t, but I understand.

I still feel like I need to share this, if only for myself. Sometimes we can’t move forward without looking back on how we got to where we are.

Continue reading “Stewarding My Physical Health: The Why”